Coincidences Between Two Abes
Thirty-six similarities between
Abraham Lincoln and Homer S. Sewell III
- Homer delivered the Gettysburg Address on radio in Florida in sixth grade.
- Exactly 100 years to the minute after Lincoln was shot, Homer was working for the White House Communications Agency. (Switchboard operator)
- The President Homer worked for was Lyndon Johnson. Lincoln's successor was Andrew Johnson.
- The statue of Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial was carved from marble taken from the county (Pickens) where Homer lives in north Georgia.
- Lincoln's first election to public office (Legislator) was 8/4/34. Homer was born on 8/4/43.
- Lincoln's hat size was 7-1/4. So is Homer's.
- Lincoln's boot size was 12. So is Homer's
- Lincoln loved to read and needed glasses to do so. So does Homer.
- Lincoln had blue eyes. So does Homer.
- Lincoln had long, black, unruly hair. So does Homer.
- Homer and Abraham's weight is about the same....175 to 180 pounds.
- Lincoln was raised in the Baptist Church. So was Homer.
- Homer has a mole on his face in almost the same place Lincoln had one.
- Lincoln was a storekeeper, an inventor and a poet. So is Homer.
- Both of us had a lot of store failures. Homer has probably had more than Abraham did!
- Lincoln was in the Army in the Black Hawk Indian War for three months in 1832. Homer was in the Army in the Vietnam War for three years starting in 1964.
- Lincoln was a great public speaker. So is Homer.
- Homer's twins, Kimberly and Jason, were born in Macon county, North Carolina. When Lincoln first moved to Illinois he lived in Macon county.
- Lincoln's youngest son was born the day before Homer's twins...April 4.
- Lincoln's oldest son was born the day before Homer's oldest son, Chip...August 1.
- Lincoln's oldest son, Robert, was born in August of 1843. Homer was born in August of 1943.
- Lincoln's four sons were born during a 10 year period. Homer's three children was born during a 10 year period.
- Both Homer and Lincoln built and lived in log cabins.
- Both Homer and Lincoln walked to school.
- Both Homer and Lincoln love people...any age, any color, anywhere!
- Both Homer and Lincoln had two mothers. Homer still does.
- Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. Homer had some surgery done in 1989 by Dr. Arthur Booth of Atlanta.
- Lincoln was chosen to be one of the four presidents carved onto Mount Rushmore. Homer was chosen by the National Park Service to be part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration during the week of July 4, 1991.
- Neither Homer or Lincoln ever drank any type of alcohol or smoked anything.
- Right before his death Lincoln told Mary he wanted to take a trip to the Holy Land. Homer spent two weeks in Israel in October of 1993.
- Homer recently found out he was born Jewish and has 17 generations of Rabbis on his mother's side of the family. Lincoln loved Jews and had a lot of Rabbis for friends.
- Homer's newly-found brother, Stuart, lives in Hingham, Massachusetts, next door to a Lincoln descended from the Lincolns who settled there in 1636 from Hingham, England. Homer shook hands with him Thanksgiving 1998.
- Lincoln stayed with families like Judge David Wills in Gettysburg. Homer stays with families in his travels around the country.
- Lincoln had suits made by Brooks Brothers. Homer has a winter overcoat made by Brooks Brothers.
- Both Homer and ABE are named after their grandfathers.
- ABE was a Postmaster & delivered mail in New Salem, IL. As of 2012 Homer was a Rural Route Carrier for the Jasper, GA Post Office.