Guardian Angel Coin

"An ANGEL in YOUR pocket"
I am a tiny ANGEL... I'm smaller than your thumb;
I live in peoples pockets, that's where I have my fun.
I don't suppose you've seen me, I'm too tiny to detect;
Though I'm with YOU all the time, I doubt we've ever met.
Before I was an ANGEL...I was a fairy in a flower;
GOD, Himself, hand-picked me, And gave me ANGEL power.
Now GOD has many Angels That HE trains in ANGEL pools;
We become HIS eyes, ears, & hands, we become HIS special tools.
And because GOD is so busy, with way too much to do;
HE said that my assignment was to keep close watch over YOU.
Then HE tucked me in your pocket, blessing YOU with ANGEL care;
Saying I must never leave YOU, And I vowed to stay right there!

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50 cents apiece. Order 25 and I will give you a FREE velvet pouch to keep your coins in. The coin is 1-¼” diameter and made of aluminum.

Guardian Angel Coin

50 cents apiece. Order 25 and I will give you a FREE velvet pouch to keep your coins in. The coin is 1-¼” diameter and made of aluminum. The inscription on the front is….”GOD loves YOU & sends this GUARDIAN ANGEL to watch over YOU”

The inscription on the front is….
GOD loves YOU & sends this GUARDIAN ANGEL to watch over YOU”.
On the back of the coin is the following inscription......
"ABE's 2016 Band of Angels; 15,000 Angels to date; ; Touch others' lives each day; YOU can make a difference! HSS...143...."
(in case you don't know what 143 means I love you....1=I; 4=LOVE; 3=YOU)

Also, I will send you a FREE autographed copy of the “Image in the Mirror” book if you order 200 coins or more at one time.

My request is that each person who orders them do as I do to give them away….“Do you believe in angels?” If they say YES, smile and give them a coin.. ...OR just say to strangers, family or friends....."Here's an ANGEL for your pocket to keep watch over you."

When your supply of coins is getting low & you enjoy helping inspire others, then it is time to order some more to give away.

Let's ALL do what we can to make a difference in the lives of everyone we meet & GROW our BAND of ANGELS across the country as we touch the lives of strangers, family & friends in all walks of life. May GOD continue to bless you, your family & our country.

A portion of any profits we might make from selling the GUARDIAN ANGEL COINS will be donated to the D.A.V., Disabled American Vets. Homer "ABE" S. Sewell III is a Vietnam era U. S. Army veteran and believes that this is a GREAT project to help those who have served and gotten wounded in the process. Please go to their website and do whatever you can to help them.

Value of your Order $10 - $49   Shipping and Handling Charge $6.00

Value of your Order $50 - $74Shipping and Handling Charge $10

Value of your Order $75 and above   Shipping and Handling Charge FREE

If you would like to see firsthand what the coins look like without investing any more than a dollar & two stamps, please send a regular long envelope to Homer Sewell, P. O. Box 13, Jasper, GA 30143, with a SASE inside & one dollar & I will send you THREE (3) coins by return mail. Then you can place your orders to give away to family & friends.