An Inspirational Poem...
“There is no God!” I once heard said; He might have been, but now He’s dead! So many men believe this way; This doubting group grows day by day. Learned’ men in halls of science Declare God’s death in bold defiance. Noted leaders and men of worth Say Man through science now rules the earth. According to our Court's decree, Prayer in school just cannot be. But while others may accept this view, I somehow can’t believe it’s true: Who paints the sky? Who fills the sea? Who molds the clouds and makes a tree? Who sprinkles stars across the sky And helps the gentle birds to fly? Archaic though my view may seem, To me, God’s more than just a dream Perhaps one day ? in desperate hour You’ll feel his grace, and know His power. So, look for God…. You’ll find Him near. God made this world, and He’s still here!
© Susan D. Brozenec Copyright 2000 (Rev. 3/20/00)