Students: Let this be another lesson from ABE, Don't ever drink and drive!!
Sitting around hearing the sounds of broken hearts and lost souls Trapped himself away from life trades away his goals...
Once proud as a happy man knew what he wanted to be: Husband to his wife; father to his kids, kicking back with family...
One night he drank to much, Drove home from the bar Passed out on the freeway Crashed into another car....
Woke up in a room visions in his head, "Doctor did I hurt anyone?" "Yes sir two are dead".
A preacher walked in; bowed his head. "Son take hold of yourself; the worst is yet to come. The car that you crashed into held your wife and son"....
Lord guide this man he needs you now most. Take care of his family and hold them forever close......
Written by: Malynda Tinsley, Uniontown, Kansas (C) 2000, Malynda Tinsley Shared with you with her permission